February 8, 2009

Eastminster Presbyterian Church


February 8, 2009


Thought for the Day

When the church is not being persecuted, when we enjoy freedom to worship, do we assume that others will find their way into faith without our help?

Welcome & Announcements

Song #160 We Will Overcome

#140 Bind Us Together


Call to Worship

Hallelujah!  It’s a good thing to sing praise to God.  Praise is beautiful.  Praise is fitting.

God heals the heartbroken and bandages their wounds.  God counts the stars and assigns each a name.

The Lord is great, with limitless strength; we’ll never comprehend what God knows and does.

Sing to God a hymn of thanksgiving; praise God for the beauty of creation.  Let us be grateful for the Lord’s abundant provisions and care.

The Lord is delighted by our honor and praise.

Adapted from Psalm 147

Prayer of Thanksgiving

Prayer of Confession

Gracious God, we’re not like the people of old who surrounded Jesus seeking his healing touch.  All too often, we think we can heal ourselves.  We mask our pain, instead of facing our fears and loneliness.  We confuse what we need, with what we want.


Lord, we are often unwilling to allow you to change our desires, to reflect what you want for us.

Forgive us, merciful Friend.  Strengthen our faith so that we may trust in your healing presence in our lives.  Amen.

Words of Assurance

Jesus stands ready to heal and forgive us; all we need do, is ask in faith.

God’s mercy is limitless.  Thanks be to God!  In Jesus Christ we are forgiven!

Celebration        #575 Glory Be To The Father

Message             Are Your Arms Raised?

Mark 1: 29-39

Hymn         # 503                   Jesus Calls Us

Prayers of the People

Offering Gift of music from Andreas Boelcke

Offering Prayer

Doxology #572  Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow

Hymn         # 313                   My Hope Is Built On Nothing Less





Annual Meeting following services; light lunch to be served.

Commissioned Lay Pastor          Sandy Fox

Secretary                                   Tanay Davis

Treasurer                                   Elizabeth Gulden

Music Director                           Andreas Boelcke

Custodian                                   Leonard Scharringhausen

Church phone 271-1343

God is good all the time all the time, God is good! Eastminster Presbyterian Churh Where we strive to be a beacon of God’s love and a light to all people through spiritual growth, community outreach and service.

January 31, 2009

Eastminster Presbyterian Church


February 1, 2009


Thought for the Day

Jesus is astounding!  So different from our expectations for a

Messiah, so self-evidently God with us.  Ours is a faith that

begins and ends with amazing signs and wonders.

Welcome & Announcements

Song Love Lifted Me (insert)


Call to Worship

Prepare to be astounded!  Jesus is in our midst.  Prepare to be amazed!  Jesus is the teacher, healer, leader, the example, worker of great wonders, savior and servant.

Listen with the ears of a child, see with the eyes of one newly healed, praise with the voice of one who’s just been rescued, pray with the fervor of one who truly believes!

Come together, God’s people, for Jesus is in charge and in our midst today.

Thanks be to God!

Prayer of Thanksgiving

Psalm 111: 1-8

Prayer of Confession

Why are we, who profess to believe in Jesus, surprised by his great works?  Why are we afraid to commit ourselves or to let emotion show?  We chant the familiar words of the Bible, without seeing them anew, as if for the first time, like those who saw Jesus.

We confess today, to you our Maker, that we are guilty of complacency.


Help us to hear your word today as if it were freshly written.

Tear down our defenses, let your word be written directly upon our hearts, and bless us with wonder.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Words of Assurance

Celebration        #575 Glory Be To The Father

Message            Whose In Charge?

Mark1: 21-28

Hymn         #550 When Morning Gilds the Sky

Prayers of the People

Offering Gift of music from Andreas Boelcke

Offering Prayer

Doxology #572  Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow

Cincinnati Eastminster Presbyterian Church CommunionService of Holy Communion

The Invitation

The Prayer of Thanksgiving

The Words of Institution

The Communion of the People

The Closing Prayer

Hymn         # 526                   God of Our Fathers



NEW CHURCH WEBSITE: EastminsterPresbyterian.wordpress.com/

Commissioned Lay Pastor:  Sandy Fox

Secretary                                   Tanay Davis

Treasurer                                   Elizabeth Gulden

Music Director                           Andreas Boelcke

Custodian                                   Leonard Scharringhausen

Church phone                            271-1343                 

God is good all the time all the time, God is good!

Eastminster Presbyterian Church

Where we strive to be a beacon of God’s love and a light to all people through spiritual growth, community outreach and service.

This morning our city is blanketed by one of God’s most beautiful wonders, a covering of snow. While you and I try to decide whether or not to venture out, some of our members are basking in the Florida sun. Hey Brakvills and Brights, how is it down there???

News! My cousin, who has earned his living in and around computers, has set up a web site for our church. It is in the preliminary stages, but we have plans to have devotionals, worship messages, directions to the church and much more as it becomes more developed.

Thank you Michael, for getting us in this century.

For those who ‘surf the net’ you can find your church at the site shown above

Mark your calendars:

  • every Wednesday 6:30pm – pot luck, hummm good! fellowship too
  • Sun. 2/1 Souper Bowl of Caring bring cans of soup and extra $$ to be given to MEAC
  • Sun 2/8 Annual meeting followed by light lunch in McCord Hall
  • Sun 2/15 St. Luke to visit with us at our location, lunch to follow the worship service. This has become quite a spirit-filled service, so bring a friend, meet a new one, and enjoy good food!!

Did you know?

Your church facility is being used by many different groups of people, every day of the week, a few:

MEAC, of course we know about the impact we have had on the community since we invited this group to make their home in our building. When they first moved in they were serving about 1000 families a year. Last year they helped over 4000 families!

AA This group has been meeting in our building for over 30 years. If you or someone you know would like to join them, they meet Saturdays at 8:30pm in McCord Hall.

Girl Scouts meet every other Friday at 6:30, in McCord Hall

Model makers of boats and planes meet monthly on Sundays and Thursdays.

And we have opened our doors to other groups who have asked for a place to hold a function.

We are truly blessed by God to have the ability to maintain this grand place of worship and gathering!

Call Tanay at the church if you have news or have a need for special prayer.


May God Bless and Keep You,
